The grand introduction.


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Hello world,

Nice to meet you. The name is Rachel and I am:

1. A female if you can’t tell by the name

2. Twenty-four

3. Recently engaged

4. Craving to write (and drink coffee of course)

I graduated college in 2012 with a degree in English and a desire/dream to become a published writer and great novelist. Well, some of that has changed. I feel I have grown up since then. I thought I would try this blogging thing because I have a lot to say and words are my thing.There are a few things I want to promise myself and my nonexistent readers. They are: to always be honest and open, receptive to all kinds of criticism, and simply to write consistently. Who is a writer that doesn’t write often? I hope I find myself again in writing because this part of me has definitely gone on the back-burner within the last two years.

Topics I intend to write about in the future if you choose to stay:

1. My struggle with depression

2. Falling in love

3. Sex

4. Coffee and friendship

5. Finding the perfect job

6. …And everything I think about. 🙂


That is about it for now. Happy Sunday!